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Meet Jennifer Perez

In 2013, Jennifer hit my rock bottom. She was buried in student debt and living week to week. For as much dedication as she was putting into her 3 jobs, she wasn’t feeling the satisfaction and pride in herself that should be included with working so hard. She cut out a lot of social activities with friends, and when she splurged or rewarded herself, she always felt guilty. It felt like she wasn’t living life for herself anymore. She felt trapped.

When the depression and anxiety became too much, she decided to start working with financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs, bankers, and even financial gurus. Jennifer eventually decided to file bankruptcy in an attempt to stop the pain and buy herself more time to figure everything out.

By reading several books, taking workshops, and surrounding herself with financially successful people, she re-learned how to live only off of what she made and restructured her entire money mindset. Since then, she's been on over 30 vacations, paid in cash for her dream wedding, built a house, built better relationships, and started a family and business!

What Jennifer has learned from her journey is that everyone’s circumstances, background, mindset, and values are different. What works for some people may not work for others. She wants those who struggle with finances to know that there is a way to escape the pressure and anxiety and have a life of freedom and happiness. So, she developed processes and systems to dig deep into the root causes of her clients’ financial problems to offer them personalized solutions.

Jennifer is a wife, a mother of four children, and loves traveling. She has the heart of a teacher and a passion for educating entrepreneurs to reach their financial goals in business to support the lifestyle they deserve.

She owns multiple businesses to not only help other business owners reach their financial goals, but Jennifer also loves to spread her wealth of knowledge to help others grow too through speaking and offering solutions for solopreneurs looking to increase their cash flow.

Jennifer Perez's Sizzle Reel

Jennifer Perez's Sample

10-Minute Guest Speaking Slot

Jennifer Perez's

Most Requested Presentations


Profit First: A Blueprint for Financial Clarity and Consistent Cash Flow

Jennifer demystifies the Profit First method, showing how entrepreneurs can build profitable businesses by prioritizing profitability from day one. This talk provides actionable strategies to establish cash flow stability, pay themselves first, and build a financial foundation that supports growth. Attendees will leave with the confidence to manage finances effectively and with purpose.


The Power of Leverage: Scaling Your Business with Time, Budget, and People

Scaling doesn’t have to mean burnout. In this talk, Jennifer shares how to maximize your most valuable resources—time, budget, and people—to grow a sustainable, scalable business. Attendees will learn strategies for effective delegation, strategic budgeting, and time management to free up their focus for growth. This session equips business owners with the tools to create a scalable business model that is efficient, resilient, and primed for long-term success.


Reverse-Engineering Your Dream Life: Income Targeting for Business Success

In this talk, Jennifer guides entrepreneurs through income targeting, showing how to work backward from their desired lifestyle to set clear financial and business goals. She’ll demonstrate how to calculate the income needed to support personal aspirations, translate it into realistic revenue targets, and build a plan to make it happen. Attendees will leave with a framework for designing a business that not only meets financial needs but also fuels their ideal lifestyle.

If you are interested in inviting Jennifer to speak at your event, workshop, or conference, please schedule a time below for us to discuss what you are looking for and determine whether we'd be a good fit. This is also where we may discuss details such as pricing or other possible requirements.

Contact us with any questions at

[email protected]

(214) 308-0699

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