
Trademark Infringement

Trademark Infringement

I made a mistake, so I want to teach you a lesson. This is a good reason to build that emergency fund by the way if you haven’t already done so… If you’re not familiar with this term “Trademark Infrin... ...more

Budget ,Expenses &Savings

November 08, 20235 min read

Emergency Fund for Business

Emergency Fund for Business

You may have heard that you need to have an emergency fund in your personal finances in case of an emergency. Well, emergencies happen in business too so why not have a separate emergency fund in busi... ...more


December 15, 20213 min read

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About the Author

As a Profit Strategist, Jennifer helps business owners implement a cash flow management system which guarantees the business' profitability, ensures owners are compensated fairly and that they never have to worry about making tax payments again.

Contact us with any questions at

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(214) 308-0699

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