Profit First Accelerator

February 2024 | Virtual Group Program

Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, our Profit First Accelerator provides valuable insights, and will teach you how to implement a strategic framework focused on increasing profitability in your business.

Okay, So Here's The Problem...

83% of small businesses operate check-to-check.

► You don't understand traditional financial statements...

► You don't pay yourself first, but what's left over AFTER expenses... or even pay yourself at all...

► You never have money to pay your taxes...

► You don't know where all your money goes...

► You're not clear how much you need to achieve your business and personal goals...

► You work hard but don't have anything to show for it...

► You don't have any money to hire help...

► Your account says "You're Profitable" but don't see the money in your bank account...

► You feel like you don't have any profit...

► You’re overwhelmed by the numbers...

► Your business has taken over your personal life and is running it rather than supporting it....

► You're unsure if you're doing Profit First right.

When It Comes to Business Finances...

Most Business Owners:

  • Commingle their business finances with their personal

  • Lack confidence in their pricing and end up giving away their services to people who say they can't afford them

  • Do not pay themselves consistently and haven’t ever thought of saving for non-business goals (e.g. vacation, retirement)

  • Need a support system to hold themselves accountable for growing their business

  • Do not understand what (or how) they need to be tracking to run a profitable business

But What If You:

  • Were free to focus on what you love - serving your clients

  • Were able to price your services confidently, and stop discounting at the last minute... with every sale

  • Could consistently cover payroll, starting with paying yourself instead of using the company card for personal expenses

  • Had time to enjoy the life you envisioned for yourself when you started your own business

  • Made small changes to ensure your business became permanently profitable, starting today

Here's what you can expect from this

90-Day Profit First Accelerator:

  • 6-Module Online Course designed to help you understand your numbers, create financial sustainability and make smarter decisions

  • 12 Weekly Group Calls to help hold you accountable to stay on track during the online course, provide feedback, answer your questions

  • Profit Snapshot complete a snapshot assessment of your business’s current profitability

  • Financial Blueprint build your game plan to implement over the next 6 quarters

  • Additional tools and resources developed by myself and other certified Profit First Professionals to help you with your profitability, implementation and finances

  • BONUS: 14 Days in our MYP Community continue implementing with like-minded entrepreneurs; this is a place to get feedback, ask questions, share wins while receiving additional coaching for your business

What You'll Be Learning:


We'll go over the your goals of the program, provide you with a checklist of what you need to be prepared for, and an overview of what the Profit First method is and why we believe every small business should implement it.


One of the core components of the Profit First method includes using multiple bank accounts. We'll discuss the purposes of these accounts, what to look for in a bank(er) and what questions to ask. I even have a list of Profit First friendly banks in all areas of the world to help you!


We are looking to determine the financial health of your business using the Profit First method. This evaluation will show us where the business stands.


We'll create a customized plan to implement the Profit First system into your business. This will help you have instant clarity around the numbers in your business and have actionable steps to take from it.


Income Targeting - reverse engineer your business so that you pay yourself what you deserve!

As an entrepreneur and certified Profit First Professional, I've created this program so that you can build your financial foundation before you develop the financial struggles most create within a few years.

Together, we will work through the steps to building your path to permanent profitability so that you can pay yourself what you deserve while doing what you love!

Secure your seat TODAY as space is limited!!

If you want to work with someone who has already made the business mistakes for you so that you don't have to, this program is for you!

Let's get started!

What Past Clients Are Saying...

Jennifer is so knowledgeable and her program can definitely help you with getting all your numbers in your business straightened out. That is something that has definitely been a challenge for me. But after the program and learning the strategies she teaches it makes it so much easier! I highly recommend the Leverage Maven & the Leverage Maven Group coaching program! I give it 5+ stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"

- Beth (Speaker)

If you are looking at increasing the profit you earn in your business - or personal life - Jennifer Perez has the knowledge to make it happen. I attended her Profit First workshop. The information she shared was extremely valuable. She explained things clearly and has a detailed process to follow. I needed more guidance to keep me accountable, so she performed a Profit Assessment. She reviewed accounting reports and was able to advise me on where and how I could reduce my expenses and increase my profit. She provides detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. I highly recommend her."

- Maggie (Social Media)

Jennifer Perez is amazing -- extremely knowledgeable and has a huge heart to help people. She is a great asset for new business owners that need some guidance first starting out or even for business owners that have been in business for a long period of time and want help with budgeting, forecasting, planning, etc. I highly recommend Jennifer!"

- Lindsey (Bookkeeper)

What if you could have profit GUARANTEED?

Profit is not an event. Profit is a habit.

This program will show you exactly how to do it.

You will...

  • Pay yourself FIRST and consistently

  • Be better prepared for taxes

  • Have a deeper awareness of your expenses

  • Be driving profit intentionally in your business

How Much does the Profit First Accelerator Cost?

Your Investment: $3750 $1500


BONUS: register and pay by February 9, 2024 and we'll throw in a 45-minute private session with Jennifer!

I'm interested, but I have a few questions...

Click below to schedule a quick chat with Jennifer!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to have all my numbers and financials in order?

While you’ll receive the most benefit and simplicity from having up to date books for at least 6 months or prior years, anyone who has a desire to improve their business finances can do this program and will benefit from it! Simply getting the system started and implemented will have drastic effects on your business, your money and your life. This program is designed with tons of support to help you get your finances in order all at the same time if necessary.

I'm a startup business. Can I do this program and do I really need all these account?

Necessary, no, but will it simplify your life as you grow? YOU BET! There’s no better time than starting out to get things in order and ready for growth. In fact, now is the time to get your systems in place, so growth is simple and natural!

What if I can't make all the coaching calls? Do I need to be available at certain times during the week?

First, the group coaching calls will be recorded if you can’t be available so you always have them for reference and availability if you can’t make it. Plus, you'll have a private group in Slack where you can ask your questions from the training, even receive support from other like-minded business owners who may have some questions or feedback from the online training videos. There's also weekly accountability calls to attend for questions and feedback.

Can I do this if I have debt?

YES! You can and you should! Plus, I've been there so I know what you're going through. We can discuss debt eliminating strategies using Profit First so that you can maximize your revenue!

I've already implemented Profit First. Should I bother with this Accelerator?

First, congratulations for taking the bull by the horns and taking charge of your finances! You’re already a rockstar! While I certainly can’t promise you anything, I will tell you with the utmost confidence, that you’ll find some areas in which you can improve the system you’ve already started, gain a lot of value and insight from the advanced strategies and find the value in the group calls and online training alone to be worth the investment. Profit First is just the system you’re setting up, this 90-Day Profit First Accelerator is about so much more!

[email protected]

(214) 308-0699


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